WP 3_2017 – La “creatività europea” e le sue retoriche

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Working Papers CSE Anno 2017

La “creatività europea” e le sue retoriche.

Marco Di Gregorio



Since the ‘70s, the issue of creativity has been at the heart of the European debate. Many documents have been produced about creativity, most of which are analyzed in this paper. Creativity has been intended as a strategy of integration and as the basis for innovation, both in cultural and economic development. In particolar, with the project of reform of organization of work known as “humanisation of work”, the goal was to improve the living and working conditions of all European workers. Then, with the Lisbon Strategy and its later raises, creativity has been assigned the task of giving a certain dynamism to the market plagued by a series of economic crises, only to be drawn into old and new economy’s problems.



Creative Europe; Innovation; Cultural and Creative Industries.


Full Textpdf

Doi: 10.14273/unisa-855



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