WP 2_2015 – Tedeschi, europeisti nonostante tutto

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Working Papers CSE Anno 2015

Tedeschi, europeisti nonostante tutto

Beatrice Benocci





Are Germans still pro-Europe? And, even more, may the current behaviour of German Government be called pro-Europe? This work deals with this interesting topic analyzing, on one hand, the European policy of German government, from Adenauer to the current Chancellor Merkel, on the other hand, the European feeling of German citizens. For a long time Europe has been for Germans the only place in which – and through which – it would be possible to re-cover the sovereignty and reunification. To achieve this, Germans would have to be more European than Europeans. What did it happen after the reunification? And, more recently, did the economic crisis change German attitude toward Europe? Retracing the political cornerstones of Germany’s european membership and then using the Eurobarometer data, comparing the German data to the French and Italian ones, the paper analyses the existing and unquestionably unique link between Germany and Europe.



German European Behaviour; Eurobarometer; Germany; Europe.


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Doi: 10.14273/unisa-735



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