WP 1_2019 – Reformation of higher education in the EaP countries

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Working Papers CSE Year 2019

Reformation of higher education in the EaP countries: cultural dimensions under the shadow.

Irina Sikorskaya






In the article, the complexity and interconnection of the cultural characteristics that impact higher education institutions in the Eastern Partnership countries are present-ed. The six countries, united in 2009 by Brussels in one block, have a similar policy of the reformation of their higher education systems which has a distinct European vector. The paper is designed to study the higher education reforms and higher through the prism of cultural dimensions portrayed at national and institutional lev-els. To perform this task Geert Hofstede’s cultural value dimensions and World Value Survey database (2010-2014) were employed as well as findings of the individual re-searchers. In short, this paper aims to discuss the culture implication in academic en-vironment and changes occurring within the higher education institutions of the six countries of Eastern partnership and to explain them by use of G. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. Considering higher education institutions performance with the help of cross-cultural analysis can facilitate analysis of the education practices, teaching and learning methods, readiness to institutional change and external challenges, policies and practices undertaken by academic systems to cope with the external and internal academic environment and modes of the implementing the reformation strategies in the selected countries.



Eastern partnership; Higher education institution; Higher education reformation; Cultural dimensions; World Value Survey.


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Doi: 10.14273/unisa-1410



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