Working Papers CSE Anno 2016
Max Weber e l’identità europea
Vittorio Cotesta
The paper analyzes the Weberian conception of modernity, capitalism, Europe and the West. Through the comparison with India, China and the Islamic civilization Weber studies the European identity, its uniqueness. Weber’s conception has attracted much criticism. In this essay the critiques of Shmuel N. Eisenstadt and Jacq Goody are discussed. Neither however, in our view has much legitimacy: Eisenstadt, in fact, follows We-ber’s approach while Goody rejects Weber’s eurocentrism and his comparative methodology. According to Goody, it would be wrong to look for differences and the uniqueness of civilization. Instead, what is common to all of them should be sought. In actual fact, Weber studies the uniqueness of the West and of Europe and, at the same time, the uniqueness of China or India. The similarities and differences among civilizations are the goals of scientific knowledge. In this sense, Weber’s methodological teaching is still relevant today.
Modernity; European Identity; China.
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Doi: 10.14273/unisa-732
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