WP 1_2014 – Cittadinanza europea e avversione alla moneta unica al tempo della crisi economica. Il caso italiano in prospettiva comparata

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Working Papers CSE Anno 2014

Cittadinanza europea e avversione alla moneta unica al tempo della crisi economica. Il caso italiano in prospettiva comparata

Fabio Serricchio





Is there a link between economic crisis and disaffec-tion toward European citizenship? This paper raises this research question, investigating the behavior of Italian citizens as a particularly interesting case study. For a long time among the most enthusiastic toward European integration project, Italians have changed their attitudes for several reasons. It – therefore – seems pertinent to ask if heavy financial and economic crisis has helped to stir up feelings of distrust towards Europe. Using recent Eurobarometer data, the paper therefore proposes an empirical analysis of the links between economic crisis and European citizenship in the Italian case.



European Citizenship; Economic Crisis; Italy.


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Doi: 10.14273/unisa-533



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