Organized by the Jean Monnet ActEuR Module and the Chair of Sociology of Europe – DiSPS, UniSa, the cycle of seminars is free of charge and is aimed not only at university students, but also at practitioners in the field, politics, education and work who wish to strengthen their knowledge of strategies for the implementation of human rights in the context of the EU. The seminars aim to disseminate the methodologies and results of scientific research on human rights and the EU Charter, and to encourage the creation of collaborative networks between academics, policy makers and organizations involved in the field of human rights.
The attendance of two or more seminars entitles to a Certificate of Participation. The seminars will be held by experts from academia and civil society.
To join, please fill in the following application form or alternatively write to
- 1 April – Virginia Zambrano (University of Salerno) – L’implementazione dei diritti umani nei sistemi costituzionali europei
- 8 April – Alessandro Somma (University La Sapienza – Rome) – Liberi o uguali. Parità e divieto di discriminazione nella Carta di Nizza
- 22 April – Maurizio Del Bufalo (Director of the Naples Human Rights Film Festival) – Il Cinema come linguaggio dei Diritti Umani
- 29 April – Francesco Piemonte (Europe Direct Salerno, Moby Dick ETS) – La posta in gioco della Coesione Sociale, Economica e Territoriale dell’UE
- 6 May – Emanuele Russo (President Amnesty International Italy) – Praticare il coraggio mite: difendere i diritti umani in Europa