CES Regulation


Center for European Studies

Department of Political and Social Studies
University of Salerno



Art. 1 − Purpose of the Regulation

1. The present Regulation govern the aims, organisation and activities of the Center Study called Center for European Studies, of the Department of Political and Social Studies (DiSPS) of the University of Salerno − hereinafter referred to as CES.

2. The CES operates in accordance with University and DiSPS Regulations and on the basis of the following conditions.


Article 2 − Purpose of the Center

1. The aim of the CES is to promote and enhance research on European society, history, politics and culture by bringing together the knowledge of professors, researchers, postdoctoral fellows, doctoral and post-doctoral students, from different disciplinary areas of the DiSPS.
2. Based on DiSPS, the CES is open to collaborations with professors and researchers of other Departments or Centers of the University of Salerno, of other Italian and foreign Universities, as well as of Centers specialised in the same or similar field.
3. Participation in the CES’s activities shall be open to all interested in the subjects dealt with; to this end, the CES shall publicise its activities through all the means at its disposal.


Art. 3. Activities

The Center aims to:

a) organise national and international seminars and conferences;

b) establish an EU commemoration day called Europa Day;

c) to set up first and second level professional masters courses on European subjects;

d) seek funding for research projects;

e) create a website in two languages, Italian and English, and a Center Newsletter;

f) publish CES Working Papers, with ISBN and ISSN code and with the University of Salerno as Publisher, in different languages;

g) publish books in a series dedicated to Europe

h) publicise the presentation of books devoted to the topics of interest of each section;

i)  create study groups and research laboratories;

j)  develop and foster contacts with bodies, foundations and centers in other national and international universities interested in the issues researched by the CES and promote the exchange of researchers between them;

k) encourage meetings with schools of all levels and types in the territory to disseminate European themes;

l)  set up meetings, open to all students of the DiSPS and of the University of Salerno;

m) create a prize for the best dissertation related to one or more topics of interest for the Center.


Article 4 − Bodies of the Center

The bodies of the Center are the Director, the Members of the CES and the Scientific Committee.


Art. 5 – CES Director

The DiSPS Department Council appoints, among the full professors and researchers, the Director of the Center, for a three-year period, who is entrusted with the task of coordinating its activities. The Director is chosen by the Council from among the full and associate professors and researchers belonging to the DiSPS Department with specific research interests in the field of European Studies.

1. The term of office shall be three academic years, renewable.

2. The Director is responsible for:

a) representing the CES;

b) promoting the activities of the CES;

c)  convening and chairing CES members;

d) submitting at the end of each academic year a report on the activity carried out, as indicated in article 12 paragraph 6 of the DiSPS Regulation.


Article 6 − Members of the Center

The CES recognises two types of members:

a)    Professors and researchers based at DiSPS.

b)   Members affiliated to the CES (research fellows, doctoral students, academics, collaborators).


Art. 7 − Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is made up of proven scholars of national and international repute and acts as a guarantor of the CES’s work.


Article 8 − Financing

1. The CES relies on the Farb of its individual members and on public and private funding duly sought by its members.

2. Public or private bodies, companies and institutions can support the CES’s activities with their own resources on the basis of special agreements.


Article 9 − Administrative and accounting management

The Center has no administrative autonomy. The administrative and accounting management of the Center is entrusted to the DiSPS.


Art. 10 − Amendments to the Regulation

The Director may propose amendments to the present Regulation to the Department Council of DiSPS.


Art. 11 − Location

The Center is located in room FSTEC−02P01024 of the Department of Political and Social Studies of the University of Salerno.


Art. 12 − Access

The modalities of operation, access to the premises and use of the equipment of the CES are governed by specific regulations approved by the Department Council of DiSPS and published on the web page of the Department, as well as posted in the premises of the CES.


Article 13 − Final rules

The rules of the statute and regulations of the University of Salerno and of the DiSPS apply to all matters not expressly provided for in these articles of association.





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