“Centrifugalism in Europe – Time for a new research agenda”, Queen’s University Belfast il 25 Ottobre 2013

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Call For Papers

Centrifugal Europe – Network meetings

“Centrifugalism in Europe – Time for a new research agenda”

Queen’s University Belfast

25 October 2013

We are currently calling for contributions to the workshop “Centrifugalism in Europe – Time for a new research agenda”. The meeting is scheduled for Friday, 25 October 2013, at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland and is open to members and non-members of the network.

This one-day workshop will give an opportunity to academics to present their work in progress, to network and to discuss funding opportunities for collaborative research. Everybody working on themes related to the broader objectives and research interests of the network is invited to send the title of paper, abstract of max. 100 words, name and affiliation to the network coordinator Dr Ada Regelmann,a.regelmann@qub.ac.ukDeadline is 31 July 2013.

The workshop programme will be advertised on the website in due course.

https://sites.google. com/site/centrifugalism/home

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