WP CSE Anno 2015
L’Europa in festival. Indagine sulle potenzialità e i limiti della partecipazione in ambito europeo attraverso uno studio di caso.
Dario Verderame
By analyzing the case study of the 2013 edition of the “Festival of Europe” held in Florence, the essay explores the limits and potential forms of participation in European contexts as they occur on special “celebratory” occasions, such as that above. Considerations on the composite and multidimensional character of the “public sphere” is the starting point of our reflections. By examining the symbolic and participatory dynamics inherent to the Festival, the essay aims to contribute to the ongoing investigation of “styles” by means of which participation in Europe, as an “imagined community”, is thought and experienced.
Europe; European Public Sphere; Festivals; Participation; European Symbols.
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Doi: 10.14273/unisa-534
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