bEUcitizen 2015 Mid-term Conference
“Being a Citizen in Europe”
Zagreb (Croatia)
29-30 June 2015
The bEUcitizen Coordination Team and the Center for the Study of Ethnicity, Citizenship and Migration (CEDIM), Faculty of Political Science – Zagreb University are pleased to announce the bEUcitizen 2015 Mid-Term Conference on the theme: “Being a citizen in Europe” to be hosted in Zagreb (Croatia), 29- 30 June.
The 2015 bEUcitizen Annual Conference will include a two-day international and interdisciplinary conference (29-30 June) open to both participants in the bEUcitizen research project and external scholars. The Conference is divided into four thematic streams, addressing different aspects of European citizenship, its historical development, the rights that European citizens have within the present-day European Union and the multiple legal, practical and other barriers they still face in exercising these rights, depending on their capacity and their status.
We welcome scholarly papers on the themes addressed below. We are particularly looking for analyses and critical assessments from scholarly disciplines such as history, sociology, political science, law, philosophy and economics, as well as for interdisciplinary papers, combining two or more of the aforementioned disciplines.
1: EU Citizenship – towards new forms of bounded or unbounded citizenship?
2: EU Citizenship rights in law and practice – comparative perspectives
3: The Europe Union’s political citizens: rights, practices, challenges and alternative models of participation
4: Linguistic Diversity as Hindrance to the realization of European citizenship rights?
Abstract proposals should be of approximately 500 words. Please send your proposal by filling in the online form on the Conference website. Deadline for abstracts submission is 28 February 2015.
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