Working Papers CSE Year 2022
La guerra in Ucraina (2022), l’Unione Europea e il ruolo della NATO: un’analisi storico-politica
Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli
The paper proposes a historical and political analysis of the origins of the war in Ukraine. Starting from the nationalist political ideology that established in Russia from the late 1990s and manifested itself during the years when Russia is ruled by Vladimir Putin, the author traces some of the main historical events since 1991 concerning Ukraine’s internal balances and relations with the Russian Federation. The eastward enlargement process of NATO and the European Union are also considered. The paper outlines the war in Ukraine in 2022 clarifying the several levels of the conflict inevitably intertwine: a regional dimension of the conflict, a second dimension against the EU and the democratic-liberal model, a third against the US-centred international order, and finally also a war against the West, its civilisation and its contradictions.
Keywords: Empire; Russia; European Union.
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