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Beatrice Benocci


ActEuR Member

She is a PhD in History of International Relations at the Department of Political and Social Studies (DiSPS), University of Salerno. Her undergraduate studies were at the ‘Cesare Alfieri’ Faculty of the University of Florence and her post-graduate studies were completed at the Historisches Seminar and at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Bonn.
She was member of the national scientific research program ‘The raw materials as an international problem: A historical approach’ (MURST – University of Florence, Italy), and she is now a member of the following centres of the University of Salerno: Centre for European Studies/CES, Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sul conflitto in Età Contemporanea / CIRCEC and Osservatorio Interdipartimentale Memoria e Legalità.

Her research fields are: Soft Power, European Union, Economic and Trade Relations, Islam and Europe, the German Question, Disarmament and Nuclear No-Proliferation.
She was member of the teaching staff of the JM Module “European Culture and Memories: EU policy strategies and policy developments” (EuCuMe) (2018-2021).

She is also a freelance journalist. In the last years, she has organised and coordinated for Unisound, the social web Radio of the University of Salerno the following radio web programmes: GiveBack! (2014/2015) and Secondo Impatto (2017/2018).

Massimo Pendenza

ActEuR Member

Massimo Pendenza is a full-time Professor of Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Studies (DiSPS) at the University of Salerno and currently lecturer in General Sociology (BA) and Contemporary Social Theories (MA). From 2017 to date: Dean of the Faculty of Sociology at the University of Salerno.

He is also:
− Director of the CES/Centre for European Studies of the University of Salerno (www.centrostudieuropei.it) and editor of the CES’s Working Papers Series.
− Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme of Sociology, Social analysis, Public policy and Theory and History of Institutions;
− National Coordinator of the Section Sociological Theories and Social Transformations of the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS).

Member of the Scientific Committee of several journals and series,
including Doing Global Studies (Brill, Leiden-Boston), Globus. Prospettive sull’Europa, la società globale, il cosmopolitismo e i diritti umani (Carocci Editore) and Studi sull’Europa e sulla società globale (Rubbettino Editore)

Pubblications here

Home page: https://docenti.unisa.it/005270/home

Dario Verderame

ActEuR Coordinator

Dario Verderame is Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Studies (DiSPS), University of Salerno (Italy) and currently lecturer in Foundations of Sociology (BA) and Sociology and Global Challenges (MA). His research interests mainly involve studies on European integration from a historical-comparative perspective, with particular reference to the issues of social Europeanization and study of cosmpolitisation processes at European level.
He was Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module “European Culture and Memories: EU policy strategies and policy developments” (EuCuMe) (2018-2021);
From December 2017: National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor.
From 2012 to date: Member of the Centre for European Studies (CES) of the University of Salerno and member of the Editorial Board of the CSE’s Working Papers.
From 2017 to date: Member of UACES, Academic Association for
Contemporary European Studies.
Author of numerous publications on the impact of the European integration process, he is member of the scientific committee of several peer reviewed journals and book series. He is specialized and has worked in online training and has been a tutor-expert in various e-learning courses at the University of Salerno.

E-mail: dverderame@unisa.it

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Parlano di noi 2024

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0. Russo Articolo giornale
1. Battipaglia
2. Blog del Mese
Seminario Schiavone
europe Day dieci candeline
Del Bufalo UniSa
Russo 1
Virgilio Salerno
Salerno Today
Gazzetta di Avellino
Montani unisa
Russo 2
europe Day
Articolo finale 0. Russo Articolo giornale 20240521_094917 1. Battipaglia 2. Blog del Mese Seminario Schiavone europe Day dieci candeline Del Bufalo UniSa Russo 1 Virgilio Salerno Salerno Today Gazzetta di Avellino Montani unisa Russo 2 europe Day Montani